Layer 1 (Execute)

Layer 1 Schema

Layer 1 of the design is regarding the description of a single atom of computation.

(Refer to the Design chapter if further contextualization is required.)


The key concepts at Layer 1 are the Formula and the RunRecord.

### ----------------------------
## Recall we have the following types
##  already defined from Layer 0:
##    - AbsPath
##    - WareID
##    - PackType
##    - PackFilter
### ----------------------------

## Formula encodes some computation to execute.
## It's appropriate to think of it as a
## fully-curried function: all of its arguments
## have already been bound to concrete values,
## and it is ready to invoke.
## Evaluating a Formula yields a RunRecord.
type Formula struct {
    inputs {AbsPath:WareID}
    action FormulaAction
    outputs {AbsPath:OutputSpec}

type FormulaAction struct {
    exec [String]
    cwd optional String
    env optional {String:String}
    userinfo optional struct {
        uid optional Int
        gid optional Int
        username optional String
        homedir optional AbsPath

type OutputSpec struct {
    packtype PackType
    filter optional PackFilter

type RunRecord struct {
    guid String
    time Int
    formulaID String
    exitcode Int
    results {AbsPath:WareID}

example formula

This is a concrete example of a formula, in JSON format:

  "formula": {
    "inputs": {
      "/": "tar:6q7G4hWr283FpTa5Lf8heVqw9t97b5VoMU6AGszuBYAz9EzQdeHVFAou7c4W9vFcQ6"
    "action": {
      "exec": ["/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/task/out/beep"]
    "outputs": {
      "/task/out": {"packtype": "tar"}
  "context": {
    "fetchUrls": {
      "/": [

As you can see, this Formula has only a single input, and lists a single output. The output will be packed into a tar format, and when we evaluate the formula, we’ll expect the resultant RunRecord to contain one value in the results map corresponding to this output we requests.

This is the RunRecord that should be produced:

    "guid": "cyrw3c3f-k9hag7xm-53wcy9b5",
    "time": 1544875520,
    "formulaID": "9mb9Nixx2M5FoxVJgQtYzn1QvtQdM1TZjZeC4QGSjUCXbHVdAD3v91JWPjZXGkTKD6",
    "exitCode": 0,
    "results": {
        "/task/out": "tar:729LuUdChuu7traKQHNVAoWD9AjmrdCY4QUquhU6sPeRktVKrHo4k4cSaiQ523Nn4D"

Note that since there are no "saveUrls" specified in the context, no tar file was actually emitted; the data was only hashed (and then effectively routed to /dev/null). You can add a context.saveUrls map to change this.