Hello Reach

Hello Reach

In this getting started doc, we’ll show working examples of using Reach to execute a group of Repeatr and Rio processes.

Reach lets you build pipelines of computations, connecting a series of steps by giving names to the Wares that should be passed between them; these steps get templated out into Repeatr Formulas and each run in dependency order.

Demo Repo


The following sequence of commands should demonstrate some action:

git clone https://github.com/polydawn/reach-demo
cd reach-demo
reach emerge

The result should be a quick run of a reach demo.

  • This demo just runs one step,
  • getting some inputs from a Reach Catalog,
  • gets another input from “ingesting” it from the surrounding git repo,
  • and runs a formula.

Some of the interesting properties of the system to highlight here:

However, we also used another interesting feature which shakes things up a bit:

  • Since this uses a git ingest for one of the imports, this is not a “replayable Module”.
    • … but it could be transformed into one, simply by rewriting that ingest into some other kind of import such as another catalog reference!

Help us Improve

This document is currently a little terse :)

PRs to improve documentation are very welcome :)